Thought: A student research forum
You’ve been holed up inside the lab after classes all semester, working on your undergraduate research project. Wouldn’t it be nice to show your friends...
The Triple Helix
At first glance, the latest issue of The Triple Helix — with its glossy cover, fluorescent graphics, and impressive subheads — looks like it belongs on...
Life in Extreme Environments: the Atacama Desert
Nested between the Andes and the coastal mountain ranges of Chile lies the Atacama Desert: the driest and most lifeless place on earth. Until recently,...
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center houses its own powerhouse
Superman. Super dooper. Supercomputer? Supercomputers are one of our modern marvels: They’re faster, bigger and more powerful than your standard Dell....
How Things Work: Fireflies
During the summer, a bird’s-eye view of your house might show little dancing lights around it. Up close, these lights are fireflies. These “lightning...
Scitech Briefs
Researchers confirm the science of love Science has found the answer to the question that troubles the heart of romantics everywhere: can true love last...